Monday, July 23, 2007

The EGO ...

I always wonder ... what the Ego really is ! Get to see different forms of it and yet can not see those forms when they r acting ...

So many aspects, may be writing this blog is also being forced by my ego!!! So lets see what my Ego has to say about "Ego".

EGO: A False sense of self.

This gives rise to another question, What is Self? I won't go into that rite now as I am yet to realise that. Well that doesn't mean I know or have realised the EGO either!!

Prooving my presence everywhere and always ... work of Ego.
Working for a sense of achievement, fame .. Ego ?
Showing Off .. ofcourse Ego!..
Being right always ...
Keeping my image in front of others...

Not just the visible one...
"I do Not have an Ego" is also a greater EGO and more dangerous ... as I may be under the impression that I am Egoless .. but in Fact I MAY be carrying more Ego than anyone ...
Or even .. saying that I am an Egoist ...

So what is the work of Ego ... keep us blinded from whatever is true...
Something like Matrix, the Ego blinds us from the truth and shows us a world that is already judged and defined,built on rules, the world as it wants to see ...

When we identify with the Ego, the predefined and judged world is what we see around us and thats where the beauty of Life ends.

Now what here is the judgemental world ? ..
Where everything depends on pre-defined perception as defined by the Ego ...
Whatever we look at or whatever is happening everything gets a name or property ..
For eg. This thing is good/bad ... What I am doing right now is not proper, etc. etc..
Everything depends on judgements which are defined already and are baseless.

Wherever there's anything that can open our eye's to the truth, the Ego would divert us back to its judgemental world.

...Pending ...